一、新增"Hospital Medicine"科別
收錄超過700篇的Topic Reviews,內含主題如下,詳細內容請按這裡。
Practice changing UpDates
What's new in hospital medicine
Hospital allergy and immunology
Hospital cardiovascular medicine
Hospital endocrinology and diabetes
Hospital gastroenterology and hepatology
Hospital hematology
Hospital infectious diseases
Hospital medicine calculators
Hospital nephrology
Hospital neurology
Hospital obstetrics, gynecology and women’s health
Hospital oncology
Hospital practice
Hospital psychiatry
Hospital pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine
Hospital rheumatology
What's new in hospital medicine
Hospital allergy and immunology
Hospital cardiovascular medicine
Hospital endocrinology and diabetes
Hospital gastroenterology and hepatology
Hospital hematology
Hospital infectious diseases
Hospital medicine calculators
Hospital nephrology
Hospital neurology
Hospital obstetrics, gynecology and women’s health
Hospital oncology
Hospital practice
Hospital psychiatry
Hospital pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine
Hospital rheumatology
二、更簡明易讀的衛教資料:Patient Information(The Basics)
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